Sam St. John, Sheriff Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead contact this office by phone or in writing.
School Resource OfficersThe School Resource Division is supervised by Lt. Shawn Larney. The Suwannee County Sheriff’s Office currently contracts with the Suwannee School Board to provide School Resource Officers in all of the public schools in both Live Oak and Branford. These Deputies primary responsibility is the safety and security of the students, teachers, and staff at the schools they are assigned to. However, these men and women can often be found in the classroom speaking to students about various subjects, interacting with the students in the gym, or just being a listening ear. During the summer months, when school is out, you can find several of the School Resource Officers working with the youth at the Police Athletic League programs based out of the Douglass Center in Live Oak or assisting with the Florida Sheriff’s Youth Ranches summer day camp in Branford. These men and women strive to be positive role models to the youth they interact with daily. ![]()